- dropped unmaintained and outdated libgtksourceviewmm3 for libgtksourceview4 (direct access to C API, #2562)
- implemented quick node selection typing part of the node name, default keyboard shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+G (#2552, work of @ericguin)
- implemented collapsible headers support when TOC is generated (#2389)
- fixed links to nodes not working when exporting to html, single file (#2570)
- fixed properties of fonts selected in the preferences dialog not enforced: bold, italic, stretch, variant (#2533)
- hyperlinks: do not automatically add the prefix http:// when a URL-like prefix already exists (#2570)
- fixed crash pressing Ctrl+Z while editing table light cell
- changed default keyboard shortcut to open codebox properties dialog to Shift+Alt+U as the previous shortcut was causing problems to german layout keyboards (#2549)
- fixed formatting issues with fmt 11 (#2548, #2560)
- added support for new language Slovak (work of Michal Fusatý)
- incomplete languages: ar, el, fa, fi, hi_IN, hr, kk_KZ, kk_LA, pt_BR, ru, zh_CN
Download from: https://www.giuspen.net/cherrytree/#downl
virustotal reports “one security vendor flagged this file as malicious”
Thank you so much (as always!), the quick node selection is great I’ll be using that a lot. I don’t know what I’d do without CherryTree!
(One thing [Windows 10, nolatex install]: I have two monitors and the dialog is 1.5 screens wide with most of it off the right of the R/H monitor. I have to grab it to drag it left each time – it would be great if it can be narrowed down even to the current monitor screen width)
Absolutely LOVE the quick node selection! Make jumping around to various notes so quick. Thanks for all your work on CT and thanks to Eric for implementing the quick selection.
Thanks for your effort on this nice piece of software!
Hey Peter, which dialog are you referring to? Is it the preferences dialog?
Hi Kris thanks for repoirting, discussed on https://github.com/giuspen/cherrytree/issues/2593
Hi Guispen,
No this isn’t the preferences, this is the new quick node selection dialog (CTRL+SHIFT+G ).
I have two notebooks; when I use the main one I’m in all the time it starts with the quick node dialog centred and normal size for an instant, then extends its width until it’s about 1.5 screens wide.
If CT fills the L/H monitor, the quick node selection stretches over to 90% of the R/H monitor width.
If CT fills the R/H monitor, the dialog stretches off-screen and I can’t see any text.
The setting seems specific to the notebook. If I close my main notebook and open the other one, the dialog is normal size, about 1/3 of a monitor wide regardless of which monitor it’s on. Now when I close that and re-open my main notebook again, the dialog is again super-sized.
I’ve looked for a setting to reset this in a notebook and haven’t found it yet.
Sorry for writing it here, I should have put this in a ticket about it. It’s not a major thing and you have lots to do I’m sure. Thanks, as always!