
550 Friends of (donated €34770,79)

* Oleg Zech (Cyprus) donated €19256 {circa, from Bitcoin}
* DBA IotaHosting (United States) donated €730 {2025/01}
* Andy Lavarre (United States) donated €715 {android, creation/modification per node + search filter}
* Per Funke (???) donated €300 {2024/03}
* Randall Forsyth (???) donated €249,63 {2025/01, collapsable headers}
* Matej Vavrousek (Czech Republic) donated €240 {2024/11}
* Miguel Latorre (Spain) donated €240
* Anonymous (???) donated €225 {2024/12 - circa, from Bitcoin}
* Peter Martin (Canada) donated €225 {2024/10}
* Rene Gommes (Italy) donated €219,56
* Alexander Boll (???) donated €200 {2024/08}
* (International) donated €200
* Tamas Gombkoto (???) donated €200
* Jt Spratley (United States) donated €186
* Roland Brown (???) donated €178,54 {2024/09, shared nodes}
* PH (???) donated €168
* Daniel Nilson (United States) donated €158,36
* Giulio Achilli (Italy) donated €140
* Vinny Pinto (United States) donated €140
* Stefan Hein (Germany) donated €132 {2024/12}
* Peter Schuster (Germany) donated €126,45 {cut/copy/paste a node with subnodes from one ctb to another}
* Theocharis Ioannidis (Greece) donated €120
* Marian Förster (Germany) donated €115
* Raymond Greene (Germany) donated €115
* Dylan Goodman (United States) donated €110
* 1001bricks (France) donated €100 {custom keyboard shortcuts}
* Alan M. (United States) donated €100
* Ben Cotton (???) donated €100
* Bernard Llanos (???) donated €100
* Mario (Austria) donated €100
* Sylvain Faivre (???) donated €100
* Xeroxx (???) donated €92 {circa, from Bitcoin - compatibility with debian 10}
* Ivar Christopher (United States) donated €90
* William Haschke (United States) donated €90
* Aslam Karachiwala (???) donated €85 {2024/04}
* Prema Systems (New Zaeland) donated €80
* Edward NG (???) donated €78 {2025/02}
* Richard Hureau (???) donated €77 {2024/04}
* Antonio Gonzalez (???) donated €75
* Frank Nash (???) donated €70
* Michael Moyer (United States) donated €70
* Petr Mahdalik (Czech Republic) donated €70
* Alexander Sieburg (Germany) donated €65
* Charles Leis (United States) donated €65
* Herb Swanson (???) donated €65
* Robert Madore (Canada) donated €65
* Tera Perry (???) donated €65 {2024/05, tabs for multiple instances}
* Chad Kimmerle (???) donated €60
* Daniel Rosenberg (???) donated €60
* Édipo Gonçalves (Brazil) donated €60
* Fabio Sabino (Italy) donated €60 {2024/12}
* Hans-Gerd Gerhards (Germany) donated €60
* Stuart Krivis (United States) donated €60
* David Allinson (United Kingdom) donated €55 {2024/12}
* Samir Derzic (Germany) donated €55
* Aviv De Morgan (Israel) donated €50
* Astrid Bertram (???) donated €50 {2024/03}
* Barbara Buri (Switzerland) donated €50
* Bradford Bender (United States) donated €50
* Geir Klemetsen (???) donated €50
* Ger de Gooijer (Netherlands) donated €50 {mark node in the tree with bold or color}
* Gordon Crowe (???) donated €50
* Glen Banks (???) donated €50
* Jernej Skrabec (???) donated €50 {2023/12}
* Joerg Panzer (Germany) donated €50
* Joren Van Onder (???) donated €50
* Lisardo Sobrino (Spain) donated €50
* Manuel Pacheco (Spain) donated €50
* Maria Seliger (Germany) donated €50
* Massimo Maioli (Italy) donated €50
* Peter Hoban (Australia) donated €50
* Ralf Schuebel (???) donated €50
* Rudy Witt (Canada) donated €50
* Stanis Gaj (???) donated €50
* Stanislav Dobrutskyi (Poland) donated €50
* Steve Davis (United States) donated €50
* Ulrike Heyden (Germany) donated €50
* Valentina Ermolova (Russia) donated €47
* Jean-Charles Granger (???) donated €45
* Miguel Vilar (Switzerland) donated €45
* Ted (Germany) donated €45 {same tree visible twice for drag n drop}
* James Brady (???) donated €43,24
* Andrew Marquis (United Kingdom) donated €40
* Andrew Petersen (???) donated €40
* Donal Storey (???) donated €40
* Emerson Castaneda (???) donated €40
* Ian Ansdell (United Kingdom) donated €40
* Jack Downes (United States) donated €40
* John Mello (???) donated €40 {2024/08}
* John Walker (???) donated €40 {2024/03}
* Marcelo Bovo (Brazil) donated €40
* Miguel Silva (???) donated €40 {2024/07}
* PER (???) donated €40
* Plamen Kasabov (???) donated €40
* Sylvain Pasche (Switzerland) donated €40
* Thomas Ludwig (Germany) donated €40
* Vladimir Vučković (???) donated €40 {2023/12}
* MaxPentest LLC (United States) donated €40 {option to disable auto url links, 2024/09}
* Michael Turner (United States) donated €35,99 {2024/10}
* Harald Wenzel (???) donated €35 {2024/09}
* Juan Rivera (Spain) donated €35
* Sha (???) donated €33 {2024/11}
* Glen Garfein (United States) donated €31,25
* Christoph Rottleb (Germany) donated €30
* Daniel Mojha (Czech Republic) donated €30
* David Gauthier (???) donated €30
* Dietrich Krieger (???) donated €30
* Fabien Perdu (France) donated €30 {keyboard shortcut for subscript and superscript or a way to configure them}
* Jan Axelsson (Sweden) donated €30 {nodes icons or colors and nodes separator}
* Jacqueline Portier (???) donated €30
* Jean-Carol Forato (France) donated €30
* Jesse Sloane (South Korea) donated €30
* Johnathan Moseley (United States) donated €30
* Josh Hanson (United States) donated €30 {sub item pressing the TAB key in lists}
* Luis Ribeiro (Portugal) donated €30
* MC Merchants (United States) donated €30
* Michael Jabbour (Austria) donated €30
* Miguel Gestal (Spain) donated €30
* Ravinderpal Vaid (United States) donated €30
* Rudolf Waltenberger (Austria) donated €30 {2024/12}
* Scott Bishop (???) donated €30
* Stanescu Ionut (New Zaeland) donated €30 {markdown input support}
* Steven Rockefeller (United States) donated €30
* Mark Leitheiser (???) donated €27,51
* Sebastian Prodan (Germany) donated €26
* Bruce Ashford (United Kingdom) donated €25
* Claus Otterpohl (Germany) donated €25
* Georg Fellmann (Germany) donated €25
* James Lin (United States) donated €25
* Jean-Charles Granger (???) donated €25 {support for tabs}
* John DeOrian (United States) donated €25 {bulleted list indentation hierarchical, Integrate LaTeX (mathematical formulas)}
* Michal Cicanic (???) donated €25
* Moe Said (???) donated €25
* Nikolaus Schuster (???) donated €25
* Paul Sweeney (???) donated €25
* Philipp Stapff (???) donated €25
* Phillip Lücking (???) donated €25
* Ronald Fabian (United States) donated €25
* Ross Green (???) donated €25
* Soren ONeill (Denmark) donated €25
* Stewart Todd (???) donated €25
* Toshimitsu Kani (United States) donated €25
* Wolfgang See (Germany) donated €25
* Steve Archer (New Zealand) donated €23,24
* Tomas Iglo (Czech Republic) donated €22,39
* Jaroslav Polacek (Czech Republic) donated €22,22
* Doug Scott (???) donated €22
* Spencer Hunley (United States) donated €21
* Aachenerkinder (Germany) donated €20
* Alexander Schultheiss (???) donated €20
* Andreas Strömdahl (Sweden) donated €20
* Andrew Golovanov (United States) donated €20
* Anthony Miller (United Kingdom) donated €20
* Ariel Barrettino (???) donated €20
* Ashour Badine (???) donated €20
* Bernhard Henrich (???) donated €20
* Bill Woodland (???) donated €20
* Brent Mathias (???) donated €20
* Chris Hilliard (???) donated €20
* Cynthia Loten (Canada) donated €20
* Daniel Eley (???) donated €20
* Daniel Mclaughlin (United States) donated €20
* David Butcher (United Kingdom) donated €20
* David Condray (United States) donated €20
* Dominique Schirmer (Germany) donated €20
* Nicolas Dionis (???) donated €20 {2024/06, replace to link to node}
* Eduard Garanskij (???) donated €20
* Edward Roberts (???) donated €20
* Egbert Gerber (???) donated €20
* Emmanuel Chantreau (France) donated €20
* Eric Baker (???) donated €20
* Evan Tran (???) donated €20
* Fabio Rahamim (Israel) donated €20
* Francesco Zaniol (Australia) donated €20
* Frank Dehmel (Germany) donated €20
* Frank Littmann (Germany) donated €20
* Gaurav Pal (United Kingdom) donated €20
* Gene Clem (United States) donated €20
* Geoffrey Munn (United Kingdom) donated €20
* George McIlrath (???) donated €20 {2024/07}
* Guy Audet (Canada) donated €20
* Håkon Skogsrud (???) donated €20
* Hannes Mertl (Austria) donated €20
* Heather Filipek (???) donated €20
* Henri Kaustinen (Finland) donated €20
* Hermann Grell (Germany) donated €20
* Hugo Ricketts (???) donated €20
* Ioannis Geraris (???) donated €20
* J Walters (United Kingdom) donated €20
* Jake Stampfli (???) donated €20
* JAM Drieman (???) donated €20
* Jaroslav Svobboda (Czech Republic) donated €20
* Jens Kretzschmar (???) donated €20
* Jimmy Nguyen (???) donated €20
* Joerg Materna (Germany) donated €20
* John Andersen (???) donated €20 {possibility to sync between files}
* John Crew (???) donated €20
* John Dingwall (???) donated €20
* John Gleason (???) donated €20
* John McCoy (???) donated €20
* John Parkin (United Kingdom) donated €20
* John Zeman (???) donated €20
* Jonathon Fuller (???) donated €20 {export to markdown}
* Josef Steinhäusler (???) donated €20
* José Martínez (Spain) donated €20
* Kajcsa Zsolt (Hungary) donated €20
* Ken Dangerfield (Canada) donated €20
* Kovács Barnabás (Hungary) donated €20
* Laurent Soulet (France) donated €20
* Lee Rottler (United States) donated €20
* Lubos Sivecky (Czech Republic) donated €20
* Marcin Woźniak (???) donated €20
* Michael Matney (United States) donated €20
* Michael Richmond (???) donated €20
* Nicholas Perito (???) donated €20
* Paul Burgess (United Kingdom) donated €20
* Peter Beaumont (Germany) donated €20
* Peter Linden (???) donated €20
* Ramon Ranke (???) donated €20 {android version}
* Randall Raziano (United States) donated €20
* Rich Edwards (???) donated €20
* Robert Johansson (Sweden) donated €20
* Roberto Diaz (???) donated €20
* Roger Rowles (Australia) donated €20
* Roland Zimmermann (???) donated €20
* Rudy Witt (Canada) donated €20
* Scott Henderson (???) donated €20 {way to make spellcheck more visible}
* Sergei Lantukh (???) donated €20 {2024/07}
* Severin Selzer (???) donated €20
* Shadox (???) donated €20 {2024/01}
* Shawn Elliott (???) donated €20
* Thierry Pareja (???) donated €20
* Thomas Polcaro (???) donated €20 {2024/02}
* Thomas Speikamp (???) donated €20
* Timothy DeCant (United States) donated €20
* Uwe Becker (Germany) donated €20
* Valentin Müller (???) donated €20
* Willy Verstuyft (France) donated €20
* Wojciech Kulik (???) donated €20
* Wolf Seiboth (???) donated €20
* Zigurds Gavars (Latvia) donated €20 {better table cells support}
* Gerry Williams (United States) donated €17,86
* Bob Alicer (???) donated €17 {snap package}
* Christopher Davenport (United States) donated €16
* Andreas Goetzinger (???) donated €15
* Balázs Bekő (Hungary) donated €15
* Christopher Brazill (United States) donated €15
* Edward Dotson (???) donated €15
* Geoffrey Heffernan (United States) donated €15
* Hans van Meteren (Netherlands) donated €15
* Istvan Cebrian (Portugal) donated €15
* Jack (Croatia) donated €15
* James Spurlock (United States) donated €15
* Jason Fossen (United States) donated €15 {tabs}
* John Duchek (United States) donated €15
* John Grant (United Kingdom) donated €15
* John Reynolds (United States) donated €15
* Joshua Chalifour (Canada) donated €15
* Kees Wiebering (Germany) donated €15
* Klaas Vaak (Netherlands) donated €15
* Lukas Golombek (Germany) donated €15
* Malcolm Warwick (???) donated €15
* Markus Zippert (???) donated €15
* Marwan Nader (Canada) donated €15
* Patricia Bonardi (Netherlands) donated €15
* Richard Duval (???) donated €15
* RJ Hasler (United Kingdom) donated €15
* Andy Pouta (???) donated €13,55
* Nathan Neal (???) donated €12,68
* Duncan M.K. (United Kingdom) donated €12,5
* Bennett Z. Kobb (United States) donated €12,39
* Dandi Soft (Italy) donated €12
* Arturo Giunta (???) donated €11,78
* Adam kestle (???) donated €10
* Adam Richard (???) donated €10
* Administrateur (France) donated €10
* Aleksandrs Demcenko (Latvia) donated €10
* Alexey Drobinsky (???) donated €10
* Alexandr Blashin (Germany) donated €10
* Anders Carrington (???) donated €10
* Andrei Savulescu (???) donated €10
* Anne Seeger (???) donated €10
* Anonymous (France) donated €10
* Arnold Hegenauer (???) donated €10
* Balint Fekete (Hungary) donated €10
* Benoît D’Angelo (France) donated €10
* Bernd Albrecht (Germany) donated €10
* Bruno Enbergs (???) donated €10
* Bruno Pietzsch (Germany) donated €10
* Cécile Wysocki (France) donated €10
* Chipmunk Software & Systems (United States) donated €10
* Christian Rosenkranz (Germany) donated €10
* Christian Saad (Germany) donated €10
* Claudio Monteleone (???) donated €10
* Claus Karstensen (Denmark) donated €10
* Cosmin Saveanu (France) donated €10
* Damjan Bole (???) donated €10
* Daniel Elias (Brazil) donated €10
* Daniel Toro (Chile) donated €10
* Darren Wood (United States) donated €10
* David Adam (???) donated €10
* David Rowlinson (???) donated €10 {2024/01}
* David Seabolt (United States) donated €10
* David Tardon (???) donated €10
* Deirdre Wall (???) donated €10 {2024/05}
* Dennis Roberts (United States) donated €10
* Derek Perry (Canada) donated €10
* Dinu Catalin (Romania) donated €10
* Dominik Dobrovodsky (???) donated €10
* Edilberto Sanchez (???) donated €10
* Eric Jourdan (France) donated €10
* Ernst Huppert (???) donated €10
* Erwin Muller (???) donated €10
* Eugene N (???) donated €10
* Eva Rothwangl (???) donated €10
* Felix Sterzelmaier (???) donated €10 {android version}
* Fledin Ymerasi (???) donated €10
* Francisco Garcia (???) donated €10
* Fred Rossow (???) donated €10 {2024/04}
* Fulvio Russo (???) donated €10
* Geoffrey Grogan (???) donated €10 {2024/06}
* Gernot Meyer (???) donated €10
* Gerriet Selent (???) donated €10
* Gianpaolo Lucatti (Italy) donated €10
* Gilles Betteto (???) donated €10
* Glenna Drake (United States) donated €10
* Gregory Bruccoleri (United States) donated €10
* Guillaume Michaud (Canada) donated €10
* Hans Flippo (???) donated €10
* Helmut Seeger (???) donated €10
* Holger Schreiber (???) donated €10
* iCore effective GmbH (Germany) donated €10
* Ievgenii Noskov (Ukraine) donated €10
* Irina Dubinskaja (???) donated €10
* Jacob Rumney (???) donated €10 {2024/02}
* Jakub Stastny (???) donated €10
* James Hanks (???) donated €10
* Jason Stockton (???) donated €10
* Jean-Yves Martin (???) donated €10
* Jelle Ermerins (Netherlands) donated €10 {2024/05 - circa, from Bitcoin}
* Jesus Arocho (United States) donated €10
* Joachim Manke (Germany) donated €10
* John Sheppard (Germany) donated €10
* Josef Kocka (???) donated €10
* Karen Kulow (Germany) donated €10
* Kåre Jensen (Denmark) donated €10
* KG S and S Ltd (United Kingdom) donated €10
* Krupal Byalaiah (???) donated €10
* Lachlan Brown (Australia) donated €10
* Larry Apple (United States) donated €10
* Larry Fimbel (???) donated €10
* Laura Haglund (United States) donated €10
* Laurent Soehnlen (???) donated €10
* Leonardo Gonçalves (Brazil) donated €10
* Leo Lospennato (Germany) donated €10
* Lucas McPheters (???) donated €10
* Luigi Ugga (France) donated €10
* M A Richard (United States) donated €10
* Marek Pinc (???) donated €10
* Marian Hanzel (Slovakia) donated €10
* Marilena Marrone (Italy) donated €10
* Mario Costa (Portugal) donated €10
* Mark Brown (???) donated €10
* Mark Manwaring (???) donated €10 {customise monospace options}
* Matthew Minnix (United States) donated €10
* Matthias Haeusser (Germany) donated €10
* Maximilian Kirchner (???) donated €10
* Michael Gloggnitzer (???) donated €10
* Michael Kitchen (???) donated €10 {2024/01}
* Michael Mortensen (???) donated €10
* Michael Newton (???) donated €10
* Michael Tack (???) donated €10
* Michael Todhunter (United States) donated €10
* Michał Herda (Poland) donated €10
* Microlinux (France) donated €10
* Mika Kujanpää (Finland) donated €10
* Mustafa Kabakcioglu (Turkey) donated €10
* Nenad Jemuovic (???) donated €10
* Oscar (Mexico) donated €10
* Passionate Awakenings (United States) donated €10
* Paul Panson (???) donated €10
* Paul Saletan (United States) donated €10
* Peter Searle (Australia) donated €10
* Petr Bartel (Czech Republic) donated €10
* Philipp Zacharias (Germany) donated €10
* Philippe Missout (France) donated €10
* Rainer Gratz (Germany) donated €10
* Rajkumar R P (India) donated €10
* Randy Earl (United States) donated €10
* Ranjit Singh (Germany) donated €10
* Ravi Kumar (India) donated €10
* Ray Caparros (United States) donated €10
* Robert Harris (United States) donated €10
* Robert Mohl (???) donated €10
* Ronald Cameron (United States) donated €10
* Rudy Richardson (United States) donated €10
* Ryan Riedel (???) donated €10
* Seamus McInerney (???) donated €10
* Sean Nelson (???) donated €10
* Silton Tennis (United States) donated €10
* Slomo Codes (???) donated €10
* Spencer Drayton (United Kingdom) donated €10
* Stefan Moreas (???) donated €10
* Stefanie Sundermann (???) donated €10 {2023/12}
* Stefano Landi (Canada) donated €10
* Stepan Burg (Czech Republic) donated €10
* Stephanie Richel (???) donated €10
* Steve Waters (???) donated €10
* Stridor Media (Germany) donated €10
* Tai Wei Feng (Australia) donated €10
* Terry Riddle (???) donated €10 {2024/01}
* Thierry Decis (???) donated €10
* Thomas Gruschwitz (Germany) donated €10
* Thomas Locquet (France) donated €10
* Thomas Polomski (Germany) donated €10
* Thomas Schott (???) donated €10
* Tom Breed (???) donated €10
* Uwe Ebers (Germany) donated €10 {android version}
* Varel (Germany) donated €10
* Wolfgang Lang (Austria) donated €10
* Yevgeniy Noskov (Ukraine) donated €10
* ZebraMap (United States) donated €10
* James Skahan (United States) donated €9 {shortcut to leave the codebox}
* Keith Thompson (???) donated €9
* David Severn (United States) donated €8,82
* Daniel Siefert (Germany) donated €8
* Graham Osborne (United Kingdom) donated €8
* Michael Fink (???) donated €8
* Richard Trefz (United States) donated €8
* Jedadiah Williams (???) donated €7,91
* Daniel Tóth (Slovakia) donated €7,77
* Kastytis Belazaras (Lithuania) donated €7,77
* Winfred McCarty (United States) donated €7,66
* Mario Sebastian (???) donated €7,50
* Mark Kasper (???) donated €7,25
* Angus Rose (United Kingdom) donated €7
* Gerard Dubrulle (France) donated €7
* Sergio Menoyo (???) donated €7
* siliconninja (???) donated €7 {individual pages/nodes instead of one document file for cloud syncing}
* Tara Stewart (United States) donated €6
* Thomas Bondois (France) donated €6
* Nick Cross (United Kingdom) donated €5,80
* Anonymous (???) donated €5,55
* Adam Jarosz (???) donated €5
* Alessandro Parma (Italy) donated €5
* Alexander Eckert (Germany) donated €5
* Alexander Lackner (Germany) donated €5
* Allo Rap (???) donated €5
* Andreas Krölling (Austria) donated €5
* Benjamin Westwood (United Kingdom) donated €5
* Christophe Ducard (???) donated €5
* Compassion Mahayana Buddhist Centre (???) donated €5
* Corey Martin (???) donated €5
* Cornel Wehrli (???) donated €5 {2024/06}
* Danilo Minervini (Italy) donated €5
* Darnell McGavock (???) donated €5
* David Eisenberg (???) donated €5
* Deak Attila (???) donated €5
* FErArg (???) donated €5
* Frank Niederbremer (???) donated €5
* Franko Ivašić (???) donated €5
* Gabriel Terhorst (Germany) donated €5
* Gerben Tijkken (Netherlands) donated €5
* Gloria See (???) donated €5
* Gregor Staab (???) donated €5
* Guillermo Obando (???) donated €5
* Guillermo Picornell (???) donated €5 {2024/01}
* Hannes Mertl (???) donated €5 {2024/05}
* Hertz Oliveira (???) donated €5
* Howard Shapray (???) donated €5
* Igor Posavec (???) donated €5
* Isaac Pérez (???) donated €5
* Ivo Grigull (Germany) donated €5
* J Fontaine (???) donated €5
* Jakub Balazy (???) donated €5
* Jan Gilgan (???) donated €5
* Jeremy Zanchetti (???) donated €5
* Jerry Kiefer (???) donated €5
* Jiri Kouba (???) donated €5
* José Gutiérrez (???) donated €5
* Karsten Kulach (Germany) donated €5
* Katarzyna Górnisiewicz (Poland) donated €5
* Kevin Rogers (???) donated €5
* Luca Bevilacqua (Italy) donated €5
* Mario Tosques (Italy) donated €5
* Marius Van der Merwe (Australia) donated €5
* Massimo Beltramin (Italy) donated €5
* Mathias Huber (???) donated €5
* Mark Kilduff (???) donated €5
* Mark Smith (???) donated €5
* Max Greisen (Belgium) donated €5
* Maxime Lahaye (United States) donated €5
* Michael Kroupa (Czech Republic) donated €5
* Michael Regan (???) donated €5
* Michael Santy (???) donated €5 {2025/01}
* Michael Schönwälder (Germany) donated €5
* Michelle Thompson (United States) donated €5
* Nenad Andric (???) donated €5
* Nicol Ricardo (Brazil) donated €5
* Olivier Le Moal (France) donated €5
* Open Source Solutions (Bulgaria) donated €5
* Osamu Morozumi (???) donated €5
* Patrik Franzén (???) donated €5
* Paul Robinson (United Kingdom) donated €5
* Pedro Proença (???) donated €5
* Pedro Sanchez Camacho (???) donated €5
* Peter Lester (???) donated €5
* Piotr Swadzba (Ireland) donated €5
* Quentin Bettoum (???) donated €5
* Richard Munn (???) donated €5
* Richard Schwank (???) donated €5
* Ross Canning (???) donated €5
* Ruggero Rizzo (Italy) donated €5 {2024/09}
* Sergio Busso (Argentina) donated €5
* Sol Hübner (Germany) donated €5
* Stanislav Dobrutskyi (???) donated €5
* Stanley Pantazetzis (???) donated €5
* Stefan Burkert (???) donated €5
* Tal Liron (United States) donated €5
* Telmo Quiterio (Brazil) donated €5
* Terry O'Neill (???) donated €5
* The Dick Turpin Road Show (United Kingdom) donated €5
* Vic Harkness (???) donated €5
* Visualis Web Design (???) donated €5
* Zia Masroor (???) donated €5
* Геращенко Дмитрий (???) donated €5
* Лев Выскубов (Russia) donated €5
* Jarius Elliott (United States) donated €4,74
* Mateusz Banaszek (???) donated €4,53
* Daniel Rusek (Czech Republic) donated €4
* Edmund Light (???) donated €4
* Zhang Lei (???) donated €4
* Zachary Peterson (United States) donated €3,64
* Frank Maniscalco (Canada) donated €3,50
* Hugo McPhee (Australia) donated €3,26
* Alexander Fraser (???) donated €3 {2024/09}
* Karim Moubarik (???) donated €3
* Shawn McCloskey (???) donated €3
* Tomáš Chalúpek (Czech Republic) donated €3
* Laszlo Schetl (???) donated €2,90
* Aleksandra Krtinić (???) donated €2
* Artémis Delsinne (???) donated €2 {android version}
* Frank Lazar (Germany) donated €2
* Roberto Rodriguez (???) donated €2
* Иван Югов (Russia) donated €2
* Харченко Андрей (Russia) donated €2
* Виталий Волков (Russia) donated €2
* Kozan Huseyin (???) donated €1 {2025/01}
* Велопланета (???) donated €1
* Patrick Jörg (???) donated €0,05

45 thoughts to “Supporters”

  1. I find a bug.
    Description:Open a file, edit the document, the document inside the content to a scroll bar, and then return to the desktop (CherryTree, loss of focus) and then click CherryTree, inside the window scroll, click the mouse will automatically jump to the start editing position, rather than the current window click on the mouse position.

  2. The to-do list checkbox does not display properly, until converted to monospace. Is there another option?

  3. I’d like to thank the developers who created the reason why I have a hunders of pages commonplace book which plays the role of being the backup of my brain, it’s amazing how it got more than what I was looking for, in fact it beaten onenote since I can open folders and internal files easily through it.
    Here’s a crazy thing I’d like to ask for and I think other users would find it useful and I feel like it’s doable:
    it’s being able to view and edit the cherrytree project that is located inside the computer on a mobile application through some sort of a cloud connection.

  4. Hi,
    is there an option to get custom name (like here:
    or get listed as anonymous donor?

  5. So far, I this looks liek a great application. I’m a huge OneNote fan, I use at work all the time. I’ve been looking at a OneNote type app for use on Linux. CherryTree is the only app I found that implements many features similar to OneNote. Plan to donate to support further development.

  6. I use this wonderful program many times every single day.

    Do we remember “Star Trek”, where people could transfer their entire intelligence to another person as “engrams”?

    CherryTree contains my engrams for my posterity (and occasionally forgetful mind)… 🙂

    Guiseppe has done a wonderful service to people. A dollar a day is only the start of our gratitude.

  7. This is the best note-taking program I have ever used !!!

    But I regret that there is no way to change the font of the text or its font size directly in the formatting menu or in the tools bar, because we must go into the preferences menu and the changes affects the whole documents.

    Thank you.

  8. Hello,

    I would like to know the procedure to register in order to be able to dialogue on your forum?

  9. Pingback: My blog
  10. Awesome notetaking app…CherryTree. Can we have it for Windows, Android too with sync among them using any of the cloud services or Gdrive / Dropbox, etc ? Really, thank to Giuspen for keeping this Great software free.

  11. Very nice application. I use it regularly, but I am just afraid that I could not use it when upgrading my system to Linux Mint 20 due to the abandon on Python 2.
    It is painful for me to think that all Linux gurus are keeping in a Windows style race to distroy what we are used to use. Linux is just different from what it was a few years ago ! Their leitmotiv was “You will be able to install a system even on an old hardware”, now 32bit support is just gone away. Same for good software support. What will it be next ?

  12. We dropped python for C++. The Gtkmm3 version of cherrytree is already being tested and will see very soon the first stable release.
    A flatpak and snap version of the old Pygtk2 version is already available.

  13. As a note to JEAN-FRANÇOIS DUHAMEL.
    I understand that Ubuntu 20.04 has dropped python 2 but in this and also Linux Mint 20 it is possible to install legacy python 2 for legacy software to run. Miniconda also allows different python versions in different environments. And on the subject of supporting old 32bit platform you can still install Linux as a 32bit virtual machine in VirtualBox.

  14. Sorry for the noob question. I am moving from Windows to Linux slowly because of my lack of experience with Linux.
    I want to sync CherryTree, my Evernote replacement, across both platforms with Dropbox, but can’t find the main database file or any way to specify where it should be. I can’t find any FAQ or instructions on how to do it.

    Also, if there is any info on how to import notes from Evernote, I’d appreciate it.

    Thanks for any help, and well done with the app!

  15. I can’t install cherrytree in linuxmint 20

    not satisfacible python-enchant

  16. 嗨,我需要您的帮助,保存时出错了,log日志中的错误为:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “core.pyc”, line 1585, in file_save
    File “core.pyc”, line 1721, in file_write
    File “core.pyc”, line 1624, in file_write_low_level
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “core.pyc”, line 1585, in file_save
    File “core.pyc”, line 1708, in file_write
    File “machines.pyc”, line 319, in treestore_to_dom
    File “xml\dom\minidom.pyc”, line 61, in toprettyxml
    File “StringIO.pyc”, line 271, in getvalue
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “core.pyc”, line 1585, in file_save
    File “core.pyc”, line 1721, in file_write
    File “core.pyc”, line 1624, in file_write_low_level
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “core.pyc”, line 1585, in file_save
    File “core.pyc”, line 1708, in file_write
    File “machines.pyc”, line 319, in treestore_to_dom
    File “xml\dom\minidom.pyc”, line 61, in toprettyxml
    File “StringIO.pyc”, line 271, in getvalue
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “core.pyc”, line 1585, in file_save
    File “core.pyc”, line 1721, in file_write
    File “core.pyc”, line 1624, in file_write_low_level
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “core.pyc”, line 1585, in file_save
    File “core.pyc”, line 1708, in file_write
    File “machines.pyc”, line 319, in treestore_to_dom
    File “xml\dom\minidom.pyc”, line 61, in toprettyxml
    File “StringIO.pyc”, line 271, in getvalue
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “core.pyc”, line 1585, in file_save
    File “core.pyc”, line 1721, in file_write
    File “core.pyc”, line 1624, in file_write_low_level
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “core.pyc”, line 1585, in file_save
    File “core.pyc”, line 1708, in file_write
    File “machines.pyc”, line 319, in treestore_to_dom
    File “xml\dom\minidom.pyc”, line 61, in toprettyxml
    File “StringIO.pyc”, line 271, in getvalue
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “core.pyc”, line 3647, in on_window_delete_event
    File “core.pyc”, line 3624, in quit_application
    File “core.pyc”, line 3631, in quit_application_totally
    File “core.pyc”, line 3658, in check_unsaved
    File “core.pyc”, line 1585, in file_save
    File “core.pyc”, line 1721, in file_write
    File “core.pyc”, line 1624, in file_write_low_level


  17. Hello

    I am looking at using Cherrytree but have one item that I would like to be able to change.

    Can you change the color of the editor background. In the theme preference I see you can change the color of the Tree side but not the main editor side.

    Thank you

  18. Hello, Developers. I lov ethe app. But I found a bug, when I put somes
    big post the app consumes a lot of memory and becomes slow to open
    it’s pages.

    I think that it is becouse all information is stored in one file, and theres
    is issues with the sequential reading.

    I ask that please introduce the possibilities of store the information in independent files,
    i mean, one file by node in text or xml format that is stored in the preconfigured target
    cherry folder, (the same that the database).

    Please don’t forget that also store the includes images or other files in the same folder.
    Thank a lot.

  19. Hi!

    I love that app, but can you explain to me, why my ESET Internet Security show me is an installer for Windows is dangerous? Is that app is safe?

    Second question. Do you have in plans to add cloud backups and create smartphones version?

    Thank you for your answer.

  20. Unfortunately I don’t know why some antiviruses flag cherrytree.exe as a threat. I plan to have a go with the Android app in future. About cloud maybe I’ll add support something like Google drive.

  21. Re: cloud
    Experimenting I found CherryTree 0.39.4 is on

    CherryTree files can be uploaded via DropBox or other storage.

    But free Starter account does not save copies. I am trying out Premium account.
    There is no sign of an active community forum for support.

  22. I cannot Ctrl+C a file in explorer and Ctrl+V in cherrytree on Windows. Can it be fixed or improved ?

  23. Hello, I just donated a little for you. I see you used to have a users forum – is this moved somewhere else ?

    I wanted to ask about running two separate instances of CherryTree with two separate files. I set up two icons on my Windows 10 desktop, and specified the path/filename to to different ChreryTree ctd files. This seems to work. Will this method use common program settings between the two instances ?

    Thank you for your software !

  24. Hi David thanks for your donation, the forum does not exist anymore you can use GitHub issues for questions. To answer your questions the multiple instances use a centralised control with unique settings

  25. Hello, I recently discovered Cherrytree.
    Great program, I’ll tell you:)
    Do you have any plans to add a simple drawing editor like Paint?

  26. Hello
    About CherryTree.
    For Windows, it seems that there is no 32 bits download.
    Only old pygtk2 is available.

  27. Cherrytree is a fantastic tool. I have so much of my life organized into this now. I will be coming back to donate on payday.

  28. Cherrytree is a fantastic tool. I have so much of my life organized into this now. I will be coming back to donate on paypal.

  29. Hello, I’m interested in collaborating on a project with you. I’m from China. How can I get in touch with you regarding custom software development?

  30. Hello guys a have a hug problem with my cherrytree application in windows 10 ,I have a lot notes but from yestarday I can’t open is on my bar and I can’t open ,im try with diference version and a pop up advice say Error13 exe.log Im try everithing can you please help me with this.

  31. Hello. When you import a Treepad file (.hjt) it only imports the first 4 articles. Is this the current limit of the import function or is there a way to import all articles from the Treepad file?

  32. Hey Mark if you send me test data to import I can have a look at why it does not import all the articles. Find my email in help–about dialog

  33. hi folks, using version 1.2.0 & cannot import treepad hjt files, is there a fix for this.

  34. Dear Devs,

    Thank you for awesome app. I’ve question do is possible Android or Iphone version? Could be just for view without editing.

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