cherrytree 1.1.4 issued

  • implemented reset of zoom with Ctrl+0 (#1835)
  • fixed syntax error in latex box wrongly detected as a failure to access latex executable (#2534)
  • copy link to node and copy anchor link to include absolute path to the cherrytree document and hierarchical path to node (#2452)
  • added auto recovery from a backup (after asking the user) in case of corrupted cherrytree single file document (.ctd, .ctz, .ctb, .ctx)
  • added warning message in case an automatic restore from backup was necessary for the new multifile data storage document
  • fixed regression with locale in some linux systems (#2529)
  • incomplete languages: fi, hi_IN, hu

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6 thoughts to “cherrytree 1.1.4 issued”

  1. Can you please remove my data from your system and delete my account.

  2. Is there a way for me to import my data from Kinooks UltraRecall Pro 6 ???? It is a windows program and I now use Linux. I have years of data stored in that program. Everything I have tried so far fails with bits and pieces missing or scrambled. I run Ultra Recall in a VM now, but would love to import to CherryTree.. Anne

  3. You have to send me an example of data to my email you can find in help–about dialog and if it’s an open formatting and not too complex I can try to support it

  4. Quick question, I can’t find in the manual an explanation of how to renumber items, say I have numbered nodes 1-5 and I insert a sixth item between 2 and 3? How to tell the software to fix the numbering?

  5. Hi, it is automated only if you have a list inside a node content/text, while this auto rename of nodes is not supported at the moment

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