cherrytree 0.25 issued

• on linux, cherrytree can now be installed on any “prefix”, but the “exec-prefix” is not to be set different than “prefix”
• the minimum required gtk version is now 2.16
• the single (but very big) new feature is a new data storage type, a sqlite 3 database (which is anyway a single file). Storing the old way (a single xml file) will be still available but probably not much used since the new storage type offers faster reading, faster saving and less memory usage. To the two old file extensions “ctd” and “ctz” (xml and xml 7zipped+password protected) were added “ctb” and “ctx” (sqlite and sqlite 7zipped+password protected)
• since really a lot of code changed I ask everybody to backup the data and report possible bugs. To try the new storage type just click file–save as

cherrytree 0.24 issued

• automatic syntax highlighting: it is now possible to choose between several style schemes (a couple of them with dark background), the same style scheme is used for tree nodes and codeboxes
• automatic syntax highlighting: added the options to show white spaces and highlight the current line
• added menu items and keyboard shortcuts to move the current row/selected rows up and down the document
• added support for appindicator where the system tray is not supported (ubuntu unity)
• fixed several bugs and bad behaviours