cherrytree 0.29 issued

• several bugs fixed
• when running cherrytree from command line it is possible to indicate a node name to focus as argument (cherrytree filepath -n nodename)
• added shortcut to toggle focus between tree and text (Ctrl+J)
• updated several icons related to text formatting to have an unique style/theme for all of them
• added the preferences option to collapse all nodes when loading the tree (now there are the options to expand all, collapse all or restore from latest session)
• added import from zim

friends of (donated €345,80)

• donated €200
• Michael Moyer (United States) donated €50
• David Condray (United States) donated €20
• José Fernando Gállego Martínez (Spain) donated €20
• John Duchek (United States) donated €15
• Claus Karstensen (Denmark) donated €10
• Dennis Roberts (United States) donated €10
• Stridor Media (Germany) donated €10
• Nick Cross (United Kingdom) donated €5,80
• Max Greisen (Belgium) donated €5

cherrytree 0.28 issued

• reduced the size of the preferences dialog adopting tabs
• some special symbols are automatically inserted after typing the characters that compose them followed by spacebar; ctrl+z undoes the replacement ( –> to → , <– to ← , <-> to ↔ , (c) to © , ™ to ™ , (r) to ® )
• added import from Mempad
• fixed several bugs