• added the preferences option “ignore the minimized windows” (thanks Matthew)
• added a filter to not list the sticky windows
• fixed a bug involving the internationalization
• fixed a bug in the debian package for users not using gnome (thanks Stephen)
Author: giuspen
cherrytree 0.11 issued
• implemented the memory of expanded/collapsed nodes, which is active when the preference option “expand all nodes when loading the tree” is not flagged (thanks Allan)
• implemented the imports from tuxcards and basket, fixed bug in the import from keepnote (thanks Tharsice, Andriy)
• implemented the opportunity to export the selected node and its subnodes as a cherrytree file (thanks Marcin)
• added the Polish language (thanks Marcin*2)
new website
from the ashes of open.vitaminap.it, here’s giuspen.com. I hope you’ll like it.