- new multifile data storage, added data integrity check after save (re-read and parse) (#2505)
- new multifile data storage, in case of corruption, all backups are looked for data recovery starting from the most recent (#2505)
- fixed crash when importing text file for incorrect detection of encoding (#2492)
- fixed crash in case of a duplicated button configured in the toolbar (#2482)
- workaround for crash in Gsv::Init() -> [gtk] [critical] Class::register_derived_type(): base_query.type_name is NULL (#2518)
- added support for moving cursor to table cell above/below when key up pressed on first line/down pressed on the last line (#2523)
- added support for moving cursor to table cell previous/next when key left pressed before first character/right pressed after the last character (#2523)
- added in statusbar the position (row,column) of the cursor
- do not allow in the preferences dialog, toolbar configurator, to add a button twice (#2482)
- added checks to prevent a save as or export overwriting the currently open document as it is not supported (#2504)
- drag and drop of text, fixed issus and added support for copy instead of move
- fixed right click -> copy link not working if there is a text selection (#2362)
- fixed syntax highlighting broken in the AppImage (#2493)
- replaced regular expression help dead url (#2511)
- added in config.cfg the group [proxy] to support downloading data/checking for new version available from behind a proxy (#2522)
- incomplete languages: fi, hi_IN, hu
Download from: https://www.giuspen.net/cherrytree/#downl
It took a long time to go beyond version 0.9999, but now that we have reached one, we are running!
This is a request for a feature: I would like to be able to prevent Cherrytree from opening more than one instance at a time. Or is it already “somewhere”?
Hello Rene, cherrytree should already recognise that the same file is already open if you click multiple times on the same. What is your use case / operative system?