- fixed growing encrypted document size after each save when configured with no backups (#2178)
- fixed crash when changing terminal font in preferences dialog and terminal never shown in the session (#2177)
- few German translation fixes (#2173)
- still incomplete languages ar, el, fi, hi_IN, lt
Download from: https://www.giuspen.net/cherrytree/#downl
CherryTree has become an essential part of my studies in web development work. I really like the way I can organize my ideas about projects in a hierarchical tree, include code snippets or rich text, and create hyperlinks to my other notes. It’s kind of like your own private desktop Wiki.
I’ve been using it since I discovered it less than a year ago. Obviously, it’s not the type of software you might use all day long, like a web browser or text editor, but you probably won’t begin to understand how flexible and powerful it is until you’ve explored some of the more advanced features, of which there are a lot!
Take some time and try some of the customizations. Try adding anchors, and hyperlinks in between your various nodes. You’ll soon begin to understand how nice it is to have your notes organized this way.
I use CherryTree on an almost daily basis and I am putting in more and more information of all kinds.
And I don’t use all the possibilities.
I particularly like the automatic update of internal links when you rename or move a node.
This is in stark contrast to the links in the operating system which are broken as soon as you rename a file.
At least under Linux (I suppose it’s still the same under Windows).
There are still some bugs or quirks concerning the formatting of rich text when copying and pasting, or the undoing of the last action, but it’s easy to work around or fix with a little practice.
Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
I appreciate CherryTree very much. I didn’t use it much for a while, and suddenly realised how much more had been developed on it. The codebox with automatic syntax highlighting for many languages is useful. One thing I particularly like (seems minor, but isn’t) is when selecting a word it isolates the word rather than including the trailing space, which always seems a bit mad to me and most other editors do. If deleting it, it’s simple to just hit delete again to remove a space, or one can Shift-Left to grab the leading space to drag it somewhere else. It is rather odd that selections like that extend to the left, not the right, but no problem. The undo/redo is problematic, though, since it seems to change both the item I want to undo/redo and the one before that, which I might not realise if I’m not careful (it might be in another paragraph). There are other minor oddities, like I can’t seem to do a global change without the iterations coming up in a dialog, despite having that option off. Another big time-saver would be if ownership of the software were registered with Microsoft to avoid the security check, and perhaps even an automatic updater instead of having to go to the website and find the link again (or even a link in the box saying there’s a new version!). But it’s great to know that everything important works very well indeed and the glitches are being worked on continuously.
Anomalie suite à l’utilisation des touches “ctrlA” “ctrlZ”.
C’est mon support et une mémoire de 2 ans, j’ai peur de le perdre.
Taille du texte est tellement grande, que je ne peux voir 2 mots de la phrase et ça sur tout les Noeuds et S-Noeuds.
J’en ai vraiment vraiment besoin pour mon travail de tout les jours.
exemple mot : DME je le vois 50 fois sa taille
Je vous remercie par avance.